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May 12, 2017

Twitter bots are being weaponized to spread information on the French presidential campaign hack

Friday night the campaign of leading French Presidential Candidate Emmanuel Macron reported it was the victim of a massive email hack just a day and a half before one of the most important elections in the history of France.

Macron is currently leading in the polls against his far-right rival Marine Le Pen.

5% of  users account for 40% of tweets. The most prolific tweeted 1668X/24 hrs―faster than one RT per min, all day with no sleep.
About 40 percent of the tweets using the hashtag #MacronGate, Perlroth noted, are actually coming from only 5 percent of accounts using the hashtag. One account tweeted 1,668 times in 24 hours, which is more than one tweet per minute with no sleep.
That account, along with the others in that 5 percent responsible for #MacronGate, appears to be automated, meaning there is no human at the helm but rather software.

People these days now live in social media, people tend to search a way to make things becoming popular. In this case, to make the things popular, the hacked information is shared by Twitter bots, as we can see above it posts about 1,668 tweets/day. This thing will be able to become a trending topic. By doing this the leaked information is spreading fast among people.

Written By: Putu Nicko Riza Adi P. (E1300190)

May 10, 2017

Snapchat Adds New Creative Tools

Play Forever

Snapchat Adds New Creative Tools, Updated Composer Layout | Social Media Today

The biggest element of the update is the addition of ‘limitless Snaps’ which enable users to remove the 10 second max viewing time limit – as explained by Snapchat:

“We’ve all felt the frustration of not being able to fully enjoy a Snap – even after replaying it – and we wanted to give you the option of allowing the recipient to enjoy your Snap as long as they’d like. After your friend finishes viewing the Snap and taps to close it, it will delete as usual.”

Snapchat Adds New Creative Tools, Updated Composer Layout | Social Media Today

Emoji Draw

Snapchat Adds New Creative Tools, Updated Composer Layout | Social Media Today

Last Christmas, Instagram released a new tool that enabled users to draw with a candy cane, adding a new effect to their Stories options.

Snapchat Adds New Creative Tools, Updated Composer Layout | Social Media TodaySnapchat’s new emoji drawing option is somewhat similar – now, you can select an emoji as a brush and drag it around, leaving a trail of them across your image.

Snapchat Adds New Creative Tools, Updated Composer Layout | Social Media TodayIt’s another interesting consideration, and one which many users have been doing by manually adding emojis anyway.

‘Magic Eraser’

Snapchat Adds New Creative Tools, Updated Composer Layout | Social Media Today

The last new tool is Snapchat’s ‘Magic Eraser’ option, which is sort of an automated Photoshop-style editing tool. Now, if you want to remove something from one of your images, you can select the Magic Eraser and cut it out and the system will blur the surrounding image content to cover the gap.

Snapchat Adds New Creative Tools, Updated Composer Layout | Social Media TodayPretty cool, huh? Of the new updates, this is the most unique and innovative – read as: the most likely new feature for Instagram Stories in the coming weeks.

In order to accommodate these new tools (and coming additions), Snapchat's also moving their creative tools from the top of the screen to the right hand side – you can see the current layout on the left below.

Snapchat Adds New Creative Tools, Updated Composer Layout | Social Media TodayListing the tools on the right of screen will give them a little more room to play with and make new options easier to access and add in.

These are some good creative updates for the app, and while, as noted, they do move a little further away from Snapchat’s disappearing content roots, the app needs to evolve in order to stand up to rising competition from Facebook, which has more resources, more tools and more capacity to win out overall.

But Snapchat, historically, has shown that they have great audience understanding, and innate innovative capability – a trait they’ll need to tap into to keep one step ahead of Facebook and their ever-expanding array of Snapchat-like clones.

This week’s shaping up be a particularly big one for Snapchat’s parent company, Snap Inc.

The company will host its first ever earning announcement, providing insight into their current status – and, importantly, the impact of Facebook’s various efforts to curb their flagship app’s growth. The speculation has been that Facebook – and Instagram Stories in particular – has significantly slowed Snapchat’s momentum, with Snapchat's growth slowing by 82% after the arrival of Instagram Stories.

But there have also been positive signs – an App Annie report last week showed that Snapchat has been able to maintain its core user base, with many of these users not reachable on other apps, while a new report from TechCrunch shows that Snapchat’s been able to hold its ground with key user groups in the face of Facebook’s new options.


Critics: I think snapchats should keep developing new features and more fresh features so as not to lose competitiveness with competitors. Because social media now many already have the basic features of snapchat so snapchat must have its own trademark that can not be imitated by competitors. So snapchats can continue to grow and have an ever-increasing active user.

Why Instagram Is Social Media's Rising Star For Business

When we learned last year that Instagram had surpassed Twitter in the number of monthly active users, Instagram became the hottest topic around the water cooler at marketing agencies. Here at DMX, we’ve been watching very closely to see if this rising star of social media would continue to shine.
So far, we have not been disappointed. Instagram’s efforts to make the app more user-friendly, along with welcome shifts toward catering to the needs of business, have allowed it to continue to increase in popularity and better serve our clients. Specifically, Instagram has captured some of the best elements of other social media platforms and incorporated them into its app.
The Finest Of Facebook
Our agency clients have needed little convincing about the power of Instagram and recent changes have solidified their faith in the use of the platform. Taking a cue from Facebook, Instagram now allows for business accounts, complete with the backend benefit of insights for account holders. Want to know which posts got the most likes, comments and shares? How about which time of day delivers the most eyeballs, or the demographics of your followers and how long they spend on Instagram in a day? Clients are sold on this; the data helps us create and schedule posts in the smartest possible way.
If you already have a personal account, you can convert it to a business account – I did this with my own account with no trouble. I now have a contact button so my followers can access my phone number, email address, directions to my business, etc.
Another hot opportunity not to be missed is advertising for business. Still relatively new on Instagram, advertising offers access to a fresh audience. All of our customers who advertise on Facebook are now advertising on Instagram – with better results. Sponsored stories on Instagram blend right in; they are seen in the home feed and look and feel the same as organic posts from someone you are following.
When our clients added Instagram advertising to their Facebook ad campaigns, we expected big things – double the results. On average, their Instagram ads are collecting about four times the number of likes as their counterpart ads on Facebook. Dollar for dollar, the number of impressions seems to be about the same on the two platforms, but getting someone to absorb and engage with a post seems to be easier on Instagram. One of my favorite examples of success with Instagram is one of our retail customers who does Facebook video advertising.  On an average day, they can expect a total reach on Facebook of approximately 1,500.  That same video on Instagram will garner over 11,000 impressions  for a reach of 10,900 per day. As an added bonus, they will not only gain video views and likes but on average also gain about 20 new followers to the account per day.

Instagram is very influential in business, now many people want to see the form of goods that we will sell, and instagram has a lot of users and they also highlight the aspect of their photos, it makes people who use instagram as a tool to do business, they think by promoting The stuff to instagram will be many people who know and many are interested in their goods.

Written By: Ramadhiatmaja Hartanto (E1300191)

Reasons Why Whatsapp Is The Worst Thing Ever

1. You spend a ridiculous amount of time engaging in “online” staring contests.

You spend a ridiculous amount of time engaging in "online" staring contests.
Thinkstock / Via Twitter: @NxarRawr

2. The “last seen” timestamp has like, actually ENDED relationships.

The "last seen" timestamp has like, actually ENDED relationships.
OK so that’s not real, but it must have definitely happened somewhere.

3. But removing “last seen” means you can’t see anyone else’s “last seen”.

25 Reasons Why Whatsapp Is The Worst Thing Ever
And you need to know where bae is AT ALL TIMES.

4. The two tick verification only added to your mounting paranoia, but there was always that glimmer of hope.

The two tick verification only added to your mounting paranoia, but there was always that glimmer of hope.
But maybe he hasn’t read it?

5. Until they decided to turn them FUCKING BLUE AND KILL ALL OF YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS.


6. You now know with certainty, when you’re being ignored.

You now know with certainty, when you're being ignored.
Just when you thought you couldn’t get any creepier.

7. Which means people now know when you’re ignoring them.

Which means people now know when you're ignoring them.

8. And you tend to ignore people because their messages are usually LAME AS FUCK.

9. Your phone’s photo gallery is now a collection of your mate’s Tinder matches.

Your phone's photo gallery is now a collection of your mate's Tinder matches.


Honestly James, you shaved your balls but couldn’t clean your nails?

11. As well as some other weird, weird shit you wouldn’t otherwise have on your phone.

No need for protein shakes, just eat vagina.

12. There’s always someone spamming you with a running commentary of their day.

Or packing.

13. Which means 5 minutes away from the app can lead to this:

Which means 5 minutes away from the app can lead to this:

14. Which makes you feel cool for like a SECOND, until you realise:

Which makes you feel cool for like a SECOND, until you realise:
It’s usually just one mate’s cry for help.

15. Sometimes, people just have conversations without you.

Sometimes, people just have conversations without you.
BuzzFeed / Via

16. Which could cause some serious issues.

When you want to say something about someone on the group chat, then realise they're in the group chat 

17. With so many WhatsApp groups there is always the potential for things to go wrong.

These days my only worry is posting something inappropriate in a wrong WhatsApp group.

18. So very, very wrong.

I just accidentally sent a 40 second voice clip to a Whatsapp group of uni people of me phlegming in the sink

19. Unlimited texts are now redundant since you only get messages from service providers or your Mum.

Unlimited texts are now redundant since you only get messages from service providers or your Mum.

20. Although that’s not even safe any more.

Although that's not even safe any more.

21. It’s a nightmare scrolling back to a part of a conversation you missed or needed.

22. Like when you want to read that drunken “I love you” message bae sent that one time. 3 months ago. At 4am.

23. Whatsapp is now available on desktop so you never have to miss not receiving a reply again.

Whatsapp is now available on desktop so you never have to miss not receiving a reply again.

24. And spend every moment of your existence questioning all of your relationships.


Whatsapp web is the new MSN


Many things make whatsapp not interested by many people, but in place I use a lot because there are still many who use the phone number as their ID, if the people ask out there rarely use their phone number as their ID, in my wings still many Who use it to make it easier for them to get data or to connect data from their phone numbers.

Written By: Ramadhiatmaja Hartanto (E1300191)

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