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May 8, 2017

5 Cool Facebook Features You Didn’t Know

You may probably think that there isn’t much more for you to learn about this addictive social network. However, the following 8 features may surprise you.They are also quite useful and you will wish you knew of them sooner.

Remotely Logout

This feature is particularly useful in the case of forgetting to logout of your Facebook account on a computer you don’t own.

Pirate English/Upside Down English

If you feel like having a bit of a laugh then changing your language to English (Pirate) or English (Upside down) is for you! In order to make this language change, go to your account settings page and select Language.

Download All of Your Facebook Data

You can download a copy of all of your personal Facebook data if you wish to have a backup. This feature can be accessed in  General Account Settings as seen in the screenshot below.

Set A Legacy Contact

There is a chance that any of us could pass away unexpectedly. You can assign a legacy contact who would have the ability to manage your Facebook account in case the worst happens.

View Watched Video History

Have you ever seen a Facebook video that you though was excellent, wanted to watch it again but couldn’t find it again? This has been the case for me quite a bit in the past. That was until I found out that you could actually view a history of your watched videos!

All of those features make the user easier to do their things on Facebook. The remotely logout is helpful for people that use public device if they forgot to logout. The pirate language is only for fun. The download data feature is great if you have created many albums, but for me, I'm not a fan of those features, because Facebook is a big company which means it will always exist. The set legacy contact is a bit weird for me, because the account can be used by other people. The last feature is good because when watching video from home, and then want to watch again, I can just go to video history.

Written By: Carolina Tania Ryan Wilami (E1300164)

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