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May 5, 2017

Path Taking Personal Contact Without Permission

The company, launched in late 2010, has started to take off in a big way: it passed the 10 million user mark on Monday, and is gaining another million every week. 

The network's gimmick is a clever one. "Tired of managing 'friendships' with people you've never met?" it asks. "Then come to us. You can only have 150 friends, making this the network you'll use to speak to people you actually like." And it's backed up with a user interface to die for.

But where it does everything right on paper, in practice Path's path has been rockier. Repeatedly, it's pushed beyond where even our jaded, post-Google-and-Facebook expectations of what corporate attitudes to privacy ought to look like. In February 2012, a programmer called Arun Thampi discovered that the iOS app was uploading his entire address book to Path's servers without asking; the company apologized, deleted the data, and updated the app to request permission first.

Path has a neat focus and a gorgeous app. In fact, it's already one step beyond most tech startups, in that the product it is selling has intuitive appeal. But it's trying to appeal to a user base hurting from Twitter's API lock down, Google's authentication of Reader, and Instagram's terms and conditions changes. Customers the world over have been burned by companies that start nice and end up mean time and time again. 

Companies with nice apps and an interesting gimmick are ten a penny, but what no angel investor can provide is trustworthiness. That's something that has to be earned, and Path seems to be doing everything in its power to go in the opposite direction.


It is look like Path pretty careless to make this kind of mistake. If they wanted to make a very secure social media with only 150 friend, then why they don't even know that this might happen at the first place. They should double check their application before launching it. Even that the company apologized, deleted the data, and updated the app, they can't change what image has been made by that mistake. The image that Path not fully secure.

Written by : Arya Deva Divayana (E1300172)

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