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May 5, 2017

YouTube cuts off adverts for channels with under 10,000 views

YouTube is cracking down on users that post extremist and pirated videos by cutting off adverts for accounts with under 10,000 viewers.
The Google-owned video website will block advertising from appearing on channels that have not reached the threshold, in an attempt to stop people profiting from stolen and inappropriate content. 
It comes after major brands pulled business from YouTube over fears they were funding terrorism and illegal activity due to Google's failure to police its videos.
The British Government as well as Tesco, Royal Bank of Scotland and McDonald's removed thier adverts from YouTube after they were found to appear alongside extremist, homophobic and anti-Semitic content. 
Google was forced to publicly apologise last month after the companies withdrew their adverts and MPs accused the service of "profiting from hatred".

The company said the new policy shouldn't affect those who earn a living from YouTube and that the changes won't affect money earned up until yesterday. 
"This new threshold gives us enough information to determine the validity of a channel," said YouTube. "By keeping the threshold to 10,000 views, we also ensure that there will be minimal impact on our aspiring creators." 
The changes come as Google makes further attempts to police material on its websites. It has added a "Fact Check" feature on its search engine to help prevent the spread of fake news. It will use ratings such as "true", "mostly false" and "pants on fire" from independent fact checking organisations such as PolitiFact and Snopes. 
"These fact checks are not Google's and are presented so people can make more informed judgments," the company said. "Even though differing conclusions may be presented, we think it's still helpful for people to understand the degree of consensus around a particular claim and have clear information on which sources agree."
Last month it also said it will employ staff to proactively look for inappropriate content, rather than waiting for users to flag it. To tackle the huge task of monitoring material, around 400 hours of which is uploaded every minute, it said it would also develop its artificial intelligence capabilities. 
IBSA, the trade body that represents British advertisers, welcomed the most recent update. 
"Google's announcement is another step in the right direction to tackle the problem of brand safety on YouTube," said Phil Smith, director general of IBSA. "ISBA and its members look forward to seeing the effectiveness of the measures being taken by Google."


Critics: I think the youtube action is correct for pulling ads in videos that have not reached the limit set by the youtube party. Youtube is in danai by google does not want any ads that are not in accordance with the existing video on youtube. The CEO of youtube has realized that so far many ads that are not in the right place with existing video, such as ad for adult in put in vedeo children. Hopefully with the current requirements, youtube can be much more developed and generate a positive message for all circles.

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