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May 8, 2017

Facebook - the secret election weapon

Facebook was a key influencer in the outcome of the 2016 US presidential election and the Brexit vote, according to those who ran the campaigns.

But critics say it is a largely unregulated form of campaigning.
Those in charge of the digital campaigns for Donald Trump's Republican Party and the political consultant behind Leave EU's referendum strategy are clear the social network was decisive in both wins.

A quarter of the world's population now use Facebook, including 32 million people in the UK. Many use Facebook to stay in touch with family and friends and are unaware that it has become an important political player.

Facebook says it is committed to assisting civic engagement and electoral participation, and that it helped two million people register to vote in the US presidential elections.

With many people that use Facebook, it can be turned into election weapon. It is a great way to do the campaign in Facebook. By sharing videos on Facebook, it can be easily promoted by campaigner or political parties. Also the bad side is there are many hoaxes that spread in Social Media, people usually share video without proof searching which makes that video become a trend although it is not real.

Written By: Carolina Tania Ryan Wilami (E1300164)

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