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May 5, 2017

INSTAGRAM Now Can Post Multiple Image & Video

Multiple image and video posts have been slowly rolling out for iOS and Android users over the past few weeks, and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen so many businesses and users alike get on board with a new feature so quickly.

Multiple image posts (also called “carousel posts”) lets you create a single Instagram post with a slideshow of up to 10 images and/or videos. Users can scroll them. You can tag users on individual slides within the post.

Previously, the only ways to get multiple images onto Instagram was either using the image carousel ads or to use the layout app to create a photo collage; if you wanted videos and images, you had to use the image carousel ads.

These posts are engaging and dynamic, and I think it’s a powerful tool for both engagement and sales.

Critics: Intagram adds a new feature that can upload multiple photos and videos at once, but has a single one that can be deigeser right-left. This is great if users want to upload many photos but do not want to look all in their instagram profile so it does not look like photo spam, this feature is very easy for artists who have a lot of stock photos and video.

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