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May 5, 2017

Too Many "reblog" on Tumblr, Make People Less Creative

My main complaint with Tumblr lies in one of its integral features — the “reblog” button. Reblogging allows users to post material from blogs that they follow onto their own pages, automatically giving credit to the original poster. Though the intent of this feature may have been to facilitate sharing whatever it is that Tumblr users enjoy viewing — one of the most important characteristics of successful social networking sites — all that it’s really accomplished is the systematic destruction of innovation and creativity among the younger generation of Internet users.
While that might sound like a bit of an exaggeration, it’s not without premise. No matter how much interesting and creative original content is posted on Tumblr nowadays, it’s hard to see past the millions of blogs that are filled with nothing but tired, recycled content, some of which has already been posted by tens of thousands of other users. While many in the Tumblr community claim to use the site to promote individuality and self-expression, very few seem to make an effort to uphold that principle. The fact remains that there is very little creative justification for reposting something that has already been seen more than a few times.
That’s not even taking into account the matter of intellectual property and the ease with which Tumblr allows it to be violated. Although reblogging a post will automatically link it back to the original blog, there are entirely too few restrictions preventing users from simply saving a picture and reposting it as their own. Even for users who aren’t so blatantly violating the rights of the original creators of what they’re posting, Tumblr’s format places far too little emphasis on crediting those who supply all of its original content. The people behind the real creative efforts present on Tumblr are consistently lost in a shuffle of reused and reprocessed material, in the end receiving only a fraction of the credit and praise that they deserve.

I am agree with this article so much. People originally made content, blog, art, and etc. to show their uniqueness, their talent, their knowledge. But what happen in Tumblr, it make the real owner of  the thing, lost their passion to make anything. They didn't get any credit and praise that they deserve. It is just make the next generation less creative and more likely to become dumb people.
Written by: Arya Deva Divayana (E1300172)

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